Best Payment Gateways with Retail Capabilities

Unique Customer experience for Apparel & Footwear stores

The primary purpose of Apparel and footwear stores is to help their customers style themselves in a way that is unique and distinctive. Similarly, Pay10 focuses on providing customers with a fast payment experience that makes the customer feel special and valued. Pay10 provides 100+ payment options so that your customer can pay as per their approach.

Payment Gateways in Retail

Convenient payments for specialty stores.

A customer walking into a specialty store comes with a focused mindset which also makes it easier to finalize the product. Pay10 is a secure payment gateway for retail sector offering multiple payment solutions, making retails and purchases equally convenient. Pay10 provides your customer with payment options that are convenient, secure, and easy so that they don't have to think twice to walk into your again.

payment solutions for retailers

Easy billing for Supermarkets

Supermarkets are busy places. Storing and securing cash can turn out to be a hassle sometimes, this is where Pay10 payment solution for retailers comes into the picture. Other than the huge variety of products, these stores often feature long queues of customers waiting for their turn to pay. Recognizing the issue, Pay10, with its integrated stack, has made billing simplified and fast for you.

Payment gateway Providers for Retail Businesses

Maximized revenue for drug stores

Drug stores often see customers rushing in a hurry. Here, the salesperson often fails to keep record of walk-ins. Pay10 services such as automatic card updater, failed payment emails and smart retries ensure to increase faster payments and hence your revenue by recovering failed invoices. So that there never an emergency at your drug store.

Features designed exclusively for the Retail Industry

POS (Point-of-Sale)

Pay10's affordable and user-friendly POS system is a must-have for your retail store. Our web-based API enables your customers to pay from a wide range of devices and systems at their convenience. Retail store managers can also utilize our POS System to keep track of customer information for the purpose of identifying regular customers and offering them discounts or promotions.

Payment gateway

With Pay10's Payment Gateway, your customers can pay for goods and services by using 100+ different payment methods. Payments made through these methods are not only secure but also convenient and fast. Pay10 for rapid settlements also eliminates the need for an unnecessary buffer period in your trading transactions.

Payment Links

Out of cash and cards? You can still manage to receive payment from the customers.Set up a payment link with our secure payment Gateway for retail sector and let your customers pay digitally through that link. It is convenient and quick while eliminating the risk associated with using online payment methods.


To keep your stocks filled, keep your pay-outs clear. Use Pay10's simplified pay-outs to pay all the traders helping keep your stores replenished. No need to do multiple logins and entries each time you make payment, use our automated process and powerful system to settle payments, bills, and dues on your own.

Dynamic Dashboard

Using Pay10's dynamic dashboard, you can see and manage your sales, income, and other trading-related money flow in real-time. Apart from generating informative graphics, you can also view the daily reports of the total amount collected per product, as well as uncleared transactions. This helps you to make more wise financial decisions.