Over the years online commerce has become the digital first as purchases are more frequent online. The companies are investing more into online business to meet consumer expectations. Traditional online transactions have transitioned into an Omni channel platform where consumers expect a thorough blend of digital experience. These new expectations require businesses to provide a seamless and consistent experience across all channels and sale touchpoints. Stores focus primarily on adding new products to the counters, completely forgetting about checkout page optimisation. Customizing the checkout page and personalizing the same is extremely important for boosting the conversion rate. Let’s understand further what checkout is, and how checkouts play a significant role In Online Business.

What is Checkout?

Checkout is the process with a series of steps that are followed by customers to purchase the items in their cart while shopping through an e-com site. The process begins when the customer places an order through an e-Com website, after reviewing the product catalogue, and ultimately closes the process with payment followed by confirmation. A checkout page is the last step before the order confirmation. It is the digital version of reaching the bill counter. Depending on the types of payments and the nature of business, the eCommerce website can employ a customised page. Certain brands have successfully integrated their websites with single-page checkout reducing the percentage of shopping cart abandonment.

How to Optimise Checkout page?

The checkout process might seem simple but behind the scenes, it is quite complicated and complex to manage the entire procedure. Several instances hinder the path to reach the checkout process. Certain responsible factors for checkout abandonment are unified login and a common interface to close the payment process, lack of payment method and slow page response. The most important parameter for optimising the checkout page is knowing your potential customer and their need, which can reflect significant results in sales. If you are an ecommerce business and still not aware of the concept of checkout page optimization, then you must continue reading the blog to enhance your online payment acceptance to boost your sales.

  • Avoid compulsory sign-ups by providing guest checkout
  • Add social login options
  • Provide free shipping or minimum shipping cost
  • Multiple payment alternatives and shipping services
  • Adopting a one-page checkout
  • Google auto-address fill and online validation
  • Keep security badges on display

Why Is It Important to Optimise Checkout Page?

Checkout page optimisation aims to reduce friction and by continuous and correct checkout page optimisation business owners can offer a convenient and smooth dashboard experience to potential customers. Also, optimisation plays a crucial role in effectively targeting different audiences and increasing the conversion rate. Checkout is considered the key to success in online commerce, for being the final point of the purchasing process and the entire decision of the sale depends on it.

Types of Checkout process

For creating an effective checkout process eCommerce needs to pay detailed attention to the page’s structure, content and design. Based on the intent of interaction websites employ different types of checkout pages:

  • One-page checkout: These pages are designed to include all the information on a single page.
    It’s simple, easy-to-use and hassle-free approach makes it popular among eCom stores.
  • Multi-page checkout: The model divides checkout information into different steps, on a new page.
    Multiple checkout pages have a multi-page approach with the below-mentioned layout following,
    Checkout Start Page > Customer Info > Shipping > Payment > Order Confirmation.

Key Elements Your Checkout Page Must Include

Now that you have come across different types of checkout pages, let's check out the key elements that can make your page engaging and provide a quality checkout that directly affects your business.

  • Authorization optimization: Every eCommerce store aims to provide shoppers with
    a top-notch checkout experience so that the customer completes the process without
    declining the transaction. For that, you need to ensure that the authorisation doesn’t
    ask for too much information at the time of payment and looks safe and bug-free.
  • Payment method: The growing numbers of digital buyers stimulate eCommerce stores
    to compete aggressively for their audience fostering a convenient customer experience.
    One common rage is implementing multiple payment options which further
    leads to simplified payment solution.
  • Checkout UX:A good UX design helps the customer to keep scrolling and it is very important
    to keep the customer engages while they are at the final stage of the conversion funnel
    and making the transaction.A confusing design can lead to apprehensions resultantly
    customer is more likely to decline and abandon.
  • Currency localization:Users can more comfortably estimate the price ratio if they are paying
    in their local currency. This, shoppers, should see the options of
    calculating then and they’re without having to leave the page and to exchange rate calculations.
  • Now that you have understood how checkouts play a significant role in Online Business, it will be
    easier for you to optimise the page and increase the revenue. Pay10 is a leading payment aggregator
    supported by advanced next-gen technology including a secure payment gateway,
    reseller services and ecommerce business while managing merchant accounts. For more information
    check out PAY10's official website.